Monday, September 24, 2007

UNDANGAN: Kelas Psikologi Musik

”suppose all the music psychology in the world had never been written and was expunged from the collective memory of the world, as if it had never existed, how would music and musicians be disadvantaged? Would composers compose less good music, would performers cease to perform so well, would those who enjoy listening to it enjoy it any less richly?”
(Sloboda, 2005)

silakan datang dan berkegiatan memberi nilai pada psikologi musik dalam:

hari Kamis
jam 17.00 WIB/ 5sore
pendopo kafi
jl. Moh. Kafi I no. 98, Kampung Kandang

(hubungi: Adoy-0818905040; Raymond-08179994856; e-mail:

pass code: informal, ketoprak, teh manis cengkeh, bayar sendiri-sendiri, santai, ikut beres-beres...